Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Lenin-Weekend 2009
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A revolution took place here.
What? Here? Next to the supermarket where workers slave away for low wages? In front of the school where more than 30 pupils in each class remain well-behaved for the teacher? Behind the apartment building where Nazis attack people who they see as different?
Red flags waved here? Armed workers marched by this spot and chanted “All power to the councils”? Revolutions take place in Latin America, maybe also in France. But here?
Well, yeah. 90 years ago, in November 1918, a revolution broke out in Germany. The emperor was toppled and the devastating World War ended. In the entire country, workers’ and soldiers’ councils sprung up.
The capitalist order, which had driven humanity into the war, was to be replaced by a socialist system. But the capitalists, with the help of the Social Democracy, defended the old system with violence.
Countless revolutionaries were slaughtered: the leading figures of the Communist Party of Germany, which has just been founded, were murdered in order to secure the capitalist order.
Now, 90 years later, we want to remember the revolutions of yesterday but also prepare the revolutions of tomorrow. What happened once can happen again. But we have to learn the lessons of the past so we will win this time!
For this reason, the independent youth organization REVOLUTION is organizing a Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Lenin-Weekend on January 10 and 11 in Berlin. All young people who are interested are invited – participating is free.
On Saturday there will be political workshops, a walking tour through revolutionary Berlin, a simulation game where everyone can be a participant in the revolution, and in the evening a party.
On Sunday we will go to the traditional Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Lenin-Demonstration, where every year thousands of people from different countries remember the dead revolutionaries.
Saturday, January 10
11.00: political workshops
1) the beginning of communism in Germany
2) the economic crisis of today and its meaning
13.00: walking tour through revolutionary Berlin
16.30: simulation game of the November Revolution
(in the Mehringhof, Gneisenaustr. 2a, U-Bhf Mehringdamm)
20.00: dinner (vegan)
21.00: public meeting about the LLL-demonstration
22.00: concert with Communist rapper Holger Burner!
(in the Red Island, Mansteinstr. 10, U-Bhf Yorckstraße)
Sonntag, 11. Januar
10.00: LLL-demonstration, U-Bhf Frankfurter Tor
Sign up with an e-mail to info@onesolutionrevolution.org
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