Archive for the Category 'REVOLUTION'

After more than one and a half years of discussions with the FT-CI, RIO is joining as sympathizing sections in Germany and the Czech Republic La Verdad Obrera (newspaper of the PTS, Argentinean section of the FT-CI), interviewed Wladek Flakin and Stefan Schneider about this advance in the relationship to the FT. »»»»

The joint RIO and FT-CI Summer Academy (August 9-14) is a high-quality summer school for revolutionaries of all ages. »»»»

I. Capitalism in the phase of imperialism
Since its inception, capitalism has spread around the world and has now penetrated into every corner of the earth used by people. This spreading did not always take place in the same way, but was itself subject to change. Initially, technological progress and with it the new industrially-dominated economic system were “exported” into ever more countries which could then develop into industrialized nations. The most advanced states were able to become great powers that over time gradually divided the entire globe amongst their colonial empires. »»»»

With this document we, the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization (RIO), want to present general theses about the state of trade unions today and the work of revolutionaries within them. We are aware that these theses are very abstract – they must be, since they are based more on theoretical and historical considerations than on concrete experience (and they are focused on the trade unions in Germany in particular). Accordingly, this document represents the stand of the discussion within our organization, even though we believe that many of the insights can be generalized. »»»»

Report from the Luxemburg-Liebknecht-Lenin-Weekend of RIO and the FT-CI in Berlin
The bourgeoisies across Europe are imposing austerity programs on the workers and youth, and Germany is no exception. But due to the momentary strength of German imperialism, which was able to bolster its position at the expense of other imperialist powers, and with the active support of the trade union bureaucracy, the struggles against this program have so far been limited. In this framework, it is important for revolutionaries in Germany to learn from the class struggle in other countries. With this objective, 40 people gathered at the international seminar of the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization (RIO) and the Trotskyist Fraction – Fourth International (FT-CI) on January 8 in Berlin. »»»»

Blockades, factory occupations, mass strikes – what can we learn from the class struggle in France?
International Seminar: Saturday, January 8, 2:00-8:00pm
Mehringhof, Gneisenaustr. 2a, U6/U7 Mehringdamm, Berlin »»»»

Report from the second conference of the NAL on October 30-31
In the summer of 2009, the idea was born for the creation of a united radical left organization in the Czech Republic to break the isolation of the revolutionary forces. After a series of discussions, a conference in November 2009 founded the New Anticapitalist Left (NAL). On the weekend of October 30-31, 2010, after exactly one year of work, a second conference was held. But this NAL conference was attended by only a third as many people as the founding conference one year earlier. This illustrates the bad situation the NAL is in right now. »»»»

An international summer camp near Prague
The beginning of the Summer Academy of RIO from August 9-11 was affected by the extreme weather of this summer: Because of flooding in Zittau, the participants from Northern Germany had to take a long detour, and the water level of the reservoir next to the campground was higher than at any time in decades. Nevertheless, the camp with participants from Prague, Brno, Liberec, Jablonce, Jihlava, Berlin, Kiel, Munich, Rostock, Augsburg and Zittau a great success. »»»»

We, the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization (RIO), have studied the development of the Fourth International from its founding in 1938 until the first split in 1953. We were not interested in this topic for historical reasons, but rather to draw political conclusions for building a revolutionary workers’ International today. In the last 60 years, international Trotskyism has fragmented into dozens of tendencies, and the present document does not provide an analysis of this development. However, it does provide a basis for a concrete investigation of these different tendencies. »»»»

Marxist Summer Academy, August 9-14, in Prague
The RIO Summer Academy (August 9-14) is a camp for revolutionaries of all ages. While it doesn’t take place at the Copacabana, summer feeling will come up for sure at a lake near Prague. »»»»

On Saturday, June 26th, RIO (the Revolutionary Internationalist Organization) organized a special Hiphop concert in the ”Red Island” in Berlin: a far cry from mainstream and ghetto-gangster-rap, three artists from Germany, England and Chile showed what political rap can sound like – class struggle rap to be precise. »»»»