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Newsletter (in English)

Archive for the Category 'International'

If you’re reading these lines, the protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm can’t be too far away. In the past few years, the G8 summits in Genoa, Evian, Gleneagles and other cities have brought hundreds of thousands out onto the streets. While some demand better policies from the G8, we as communists want to show why the G8 must be shut down and capitalism smashed.

So mobilize at schools and universities, in trade unions and factories. There will be busses coming from all across Europe – so get in touch with a left group in your area if you need help to get to north-eastern Germany. Join REVOLUTION and tens of thousands more at the protests against the G8. You can (probably) meet us in the camp in Rostock. Or simply under the red flags.

We’ll meet at the mass protests!


In July 2006, several weeks after the Czech parliamentary elections, it was publicly announced that a plan exists to build US military bases in the Czech Republic and Poland. The plan involves building a radar station in the west of the Czech Republic and a base for interceptor missiles in north east Poland. Both bases are designed to be part of an American shield system against intercontinental ballistic missiles. »»»»


At the beginning of June, the heads of state and government of the eight most powerful countries will meet up for a summit in Heiligendamm in Northeastern Germany. Even though these are supposedly the eight most powerful people in the world, they have to meet in a remote luxury hotel to be shielded from protests. Almost 100 million euros will be squandered in order to keep demonstrators away from the summit. The “Group of 8”, G8 for short, is hated, because their summits are a symbol for misery in the world. »»»»

Startbox-SEGIProtest against the persecution of the left-wing youth organization SEGI in the Basque Country

“Terrorism” is hard to define. Wikipedia tells us that it generally refers to violence for political aims. But when the US army bombs a Bagdad neighborhood, that is declared to be “the fight against terror”. When young people in Euskal Herria (the Basque Country) fight for democratic and social rights with mass demonstrations and public campaigns, they can be imprisoned for this “terrorist activity”. »»»»


Startbox-WEFWorld Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

January is traditionally considered the month when, after Christmas, the money has been spent and the mist of splendor and love has evaporated. Nonetheless, every January the richest and most powerful people on the planet meet up in the Swiss ski resort Davos to discuss how the profits of corporations can be secured in the year ahead. For this reason, every year in January Davos becomes a fortress hermetically sealed by the police and the Swiss army, so these valuable people can meet up without interference by the bothersome public. »»»»

On December 10, the former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet died. He seized power in 1973 when his army organized a bloody coup d’état against the democratically elected, left reformist president Salvador Allende of the „People’s Unity“ (Unidad Popular). Thousands of people died or were tortured under Pinochet’s rule, while millions of others suffered from wage cuts, drastic increases in unemployment, the breakdown of social systems like health care and education, and the spread of disease and malnutrition in the country. That’s just an introduction to „Chile’s savior from communism“, as he is called by the conservative and fascist right. »»»»


Startbox-KSMProtest against the state persecution of a Czech left-wing youth organization

On October 16, 2006 The Czech Interior Ministry decided to dissolve the left-wing Communist Youth Union (Komunistický svaz mládeže, KSM), which is connected to the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSČM, reformist parliamentary party with 12-20% electoral support). The so-called “reason” for the dissolution of this youth organization was one passage in their program which calls for “changing the private ownership of the means of production into social ownership of these means in the period after the social revolution”. This formulation was declared unconstitutional by the Interior Ministry. »»»»

Forty-two Basque youth will be on trial in Madrid sometime in February or March. They are activists of the prohibited youth organization SEGI, or of the previously prohibited youth organizations JARRAI and HAIKA, and accused of being terrorists. They are faced with a total of 654 years in prison. »»»»